
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for Monday August 30, 2021:

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for August 30, 2021:
Focus and balance. You may find that many are engaging in flighty mental gymnastics today. The Moon in Gemini tends to make us scatter our energies and jump to conclusions. The newly minted Mercury in Libra is also adding to the chaos with indecisiveness and a lack of focus. This will pass, but, for today, mixed signals can be frustrating. Look for the fun in whatever you're doing and be able to laugh at yourself when you lose track. A word of cosmic caution: The Virgoan Sun will not be amused. Critical or snippy comments can dampen the fun.
The best way to deal with the energies is to stay open to change. Re-adjust your sails when needed. There's still a signature of both prominent Earth and Air energies that can make you feel grounded one moment and unsettled the next. Teal or green Fluorite and Cedar will work to add clarity to the existing vibrations. Take care of any headaches or tensions you may feel today. Nighttime energies promote listening to beautiful music or relaxing through meditation. The outer world is still bringing in necessary lessons and change. Pay attention to the messages. Communications regarding projects will go smoothly on Tuesday, but the best time to make decisions will be later in the afternoon or evening. There's still five planets in retrograde affecting our thought processes. Well thought out answers will yield the best results. As always, if you'd like a Personal Tarot Reading, you can contact me at or visit my Store link above to purchase your reading.

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