The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for December 29, 2021:
Focused wellbeing. Today's energies are bright and full of easy vibes that encourage you to finish projects and look forward to new ones. Pluto and retrograde Venus push for transforming your beliefs about love and passions to be heartfelt. If you're only in love at the mental level, things could fade away in the future. Moon in Scorpio finishes her stay by giving you extra room for wishes and insights to grow. The trick? You must allow your beliefs to expand with the new paradigms of wealth and health.
At 3:08 pm (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK) the Moon will enter Sagittarius. This Moon will guide us out of 2021 on a high note of joy and anticipation for greater things. Do not be the one who holds you back. The fiery vibes love to be assisted by Citrus scents or Cinnamon to increase abundance. Citrine is an overall helper today. If you're really interested in drawing in multiple dimensions use the stone mentioned yesterday - Lazulite. It has a tendency to assist you in finding increased self respect and peace and to vibe at higher frequencies. Make it an excellent day!
Be sure to take a moment and give gratitude for all of the soul growth you've gained this year. Hug your loved ones! 2022 is just around the corner!
As always, if you'd like a personal Tarot Reading you can contact me via my website at or my Ecwid store in the menu at the top of this page!